Friday, January 20, 2012

Platt College: Great Education, Great Staff

We’ve talked about it before, and we’d like to bring it up again: we have great instructors.

Need to review the material? Ask your instructor.
Need to practice a technique? Ask your instructor.
Need someone to talk to? Ask your instructor.

Have you ever had someone try to explain to you how to do something over the phone? Did it work as well as it would have if that person had been standing right next to you as you did it? Probably not, right? That’s the difference between Platt College and a more traditional classroom setting. We don’t just tell you how to do it – we show you, as well.

Platt College has been fortunate enough to have some of the best, most supportive instructors around. Not only do they understand the material they’re teaching, they also have a wealth of experience in their respective fields. Because of this, Platt College instructors can provide you with more than just knowledge. In addition to theory, our instructors provide students with real-world application of the skills they’re learning.

Did we forget to mention the opportunity for networking? Because our instructors have years of experience, that means they are also aware of employers in their fields. As the saying goes, sometimes it’s about who you know. A hot tip or a recommendation from an instructor can be the final step you need to land your first job in your new career.

Why wait? Call one of our admissions offices today.

Moore – 405.912.3260
Tulsa – 918.663.9000
Lawton – 580.355.4416
North OKC – 405.749.2433
Central OKC – 405.946.7799
Dallas – 972.243.0900

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