Thursday, December 29, 2011

Platt College: A Holiday Recap

T'was the night before Christmas, when all through Platt College,
The days had grown long, with staff forced to acknowledge,
That students were tired and exhausted from learning.
A break was required, for which students were yearning.

"Go ahead, get on out, you've worked hard enough!"
Said the chefs, who agreed, the term had been tough.
"Alright, I give in, put the needles away!"
Future medical assistants, oh yes, they obeyed.

"Remember your flossing and other techniques!"
"Oh yes," said dental students, "For the sake of clean teeth!"
The massage therapy students agreed, as well,
That practice made perfect, so back injuries don’t swell.

So after weeks spent studying and decorating doors,
After time spent on tests and stifling snores,
A short time with Santa, who said, "Be good for good’s sake,"
The students went home to recuperate.

But during this break, you just wouldn’t believe,
Platt College was still busier than you might perceive.
For throughout the hallways, if you'd been there, you'd hear
The sound of jingling bells, laughter, and cheer.

It wasn’t the instructors, as one might expect,
But the hardworking admissions staff as one might suspect.
How they still do it, your guess sure beats mine,
But they left behind gifts, and you won’t guess what kind.

Those gifts are a future, shiny and bright.
For those who would seek it, whose passions have light.
You seek a career? We’ll help you – you’ll see.
Happy holidays from Platt College, with love to you and me.

Since 1979, Platt College exists with one purpose; to create a workforce of professionals with the skills and training necessary to answer the needs of today's and tomorrow's workplace. The college is located in Tulsa, Moore, Lawton, Central and North Oklahoma City as well as in Dallas, Texas. For more information call 405-946-7799, or visit

Monday, December 19, 2011

Platt College: Why Choose Platt?

First, it has to be said: we have awesome students. They love us, and we love them. Just check out this amazing video of some of our students discussing why they decided to attend Platt College:

There’s earning a degree, and there’s getting an education. You can do one, or the other, or both. At Platt, we prefer you do both – as evidenced by the number of students you just watched describe what their lives are like at Platt. Going to college is truly a life-changing experience, and it’s one we’d like to help guide you through every step of the way. Whether it’s with enrollment, financial aid opportunities, or actual in-class interaction, we’re here to make sure you succeed in every facet of your life.

Rather than shuffle students in and out anonymously, we try to make it a point to get to know each and every person that walks through our hallways. We also hope you get to know your classmates, as well. As you just saw in the above video, Platt students develop strong relationships with both the Platt staff and with their classmates, which helps create a fun learning environment and a strong base of support. After all, your new classmates are having the same experience you are – who better to help you get through it?

We know it’s tough to find your perfect career... and it’s our job to help make it easier! Got questions? Give us a call, or connect with us on our Facebook page. We’re here to help!

Since 1979, Platt College exists with one purpose; to create a workforce of professionals with the skills and training necessary to answer the needs of today's and tomorrow's workplace. The college is located in Tulsa, Moore, Lawton, Central and North Oklahoma City as well as in Dallas, Texas. For more information call 405-946-7799, or visit

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Platt College: Education, Career Preparation, and… Football?

Back in October, we held our first-ever Platt College Show and Tell Contest. The idea was to have students take photos and write a short description of some of the things they were learning as Platt students and have them post it to our Facebook wall. The prize was suite tickets to a college football game, which definitely got a lot of people excited. We even had some video guys set up shop and record some footage of a few students who were especially pumped about the contest:

It was a definite success, and also involved a lot of tugging on our heartstrings. In the end, we wound up selecting Chelsea Rodgers to come along with us to the game. She told us a unique, heartfelt story relating to the loss of a family member, and we just couldn’t turn her down. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, Chelsea. We love having you as a member of the Platt College family!

We love having such dedicated students! Feel free to connect with us (and them) on the Platt College Facebook page.

Since 1979, Platt College exists with one purpose; to create a workforce of professionals with the skills and training necessary to answer the needs of today's and tomorrow's workplace. The college is located in Tulsa, Moore, Lawton, Central and North Oklahoma City as well as in Dallas, Texas. For more information call 405-946-7799, or visit

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Penny Wars were a HUGE success!

Penny Wars were a HUGE success!  During the month of October, students teamed up to raise money to benefit Infant Crisis ServicesPlatt Central students raised $496.80 which was used to purchase  121.5 pounds of in-kinds goods for the babies and toddlers of Infant Crisis Services. That is a amazing total! This included 1620 diapers which will diaper 45 babies for 1 week. Also purchased was 4 toddler size coats, 16 sippy cups and 63 bottles.  Infant Crisis Services would not be able to serve these babies without the support of the community.
Since 1979, Platt College exists with one purpose; to create a workforce of professionals with the skills and training necessary to answer the needs of today's and tomorrow's workplace. The college is located in Tulsa, Moore, Lawton, Central and North Oklahoma City as well as in Dallas, Texas. For more information call 405-946-7799, or visit